Monday, September 17, 2012

wow-I did it

I did it-I actually followed through with a New Year's Resolution! I only made one for a half marathon.

 I ran( I use the verb ran loosely) my first half marathon yesterday. I would love to say it was all that I had dreamed of, that I had an amazing experience. Unfortunately it was not my day. It was my worst run to date...7 MONTHS(well minus the two that were lost to shin injuries) of training and I ran like I hadn't even trained. I cried from the embarrassment...embarrassment of knowing what all the reactions would be from those that have supported me, embarrassment of those first texts that came as soon as I finished letting me know people were watching my sad little dot move along the path on the computer screen...blah, blah, blah.

24 hours later, several "break downs" and a good bit of vodka ;-), I can finally say...I DON'T CARE! Because although my time may be one of the slowest ever seen 'round these parts (did I mention I happen to know an abnormal amount of Boston qualifiers and super runners in general), I HAVE a time, which is more than a bazillion other people can say. I gave it all my body was willing to give and I ACTUALLY FOLLOWED THROUGH WITH A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION!

Finishing is Winning