Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Alternate universe

Today was so fantastic I can hardly contain myself!!! People, I can not tell you how different my body feels at 9 o'clock on this gorgeous summer night. Normally I have burning eyes from stress and periodic bouts of crying, tight face, neck and back muscles from stress and several rounds of restraining. But not today...today was the rare golden nugget day. The day that keeps me getting out of bed everyday. My boys slept until 10 & 10:30. Opted out of going to a stream outing with others In favor of playing Lego's with each other. They played for HOURS! We made homemade clay, sculpted, played catch, went on a hike, swam, they played together some more. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal to most but it is HUGE! Not one time today did Nick flip out, have an "attack", I don't even know if he ticked! He laughed! He sang! Parker laughed and got to enjoy time with his brother. The best part was Bob's schedule changed at the last minute keeping him working from home for one more day allowing him to see the golden nugget day as well. The one precious day that shows up out of the blue where Tourette's and Aspergers do not rule our world. I am so unbelievably grateful for this day 💜

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! May there be more of these golden nuggets around the corner!!!
