Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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Day 20

A minute late- grrr! Today I am thankful for my hubs being home for a whole week! Honest, I am. I know I joke about it driving me crazy but it is so wonderful to just be able to look at him. Sure the homework help, refereeing of fights, switching laundry, running the dishwasher is all wonderful as well. But truly, it is just being able to look at him that I am thankful for. He's pretty great to look at ;-)

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 19

Today I am thankful my 11 year old FINALLY stood up for himself!!! Not in an aggressive way either but in a quite mature manner. I am also thankful to now be sitting in a movie theater with him watching him dance and laugh to the music before the hour long previews begin :-O. We are the only people in the theater. Makes being spontaneous on a school night that much more fun!

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 18

Today I am thankful for my decision to join the Catholic Church. It has been years in the making. Today was the Rite of Welcoming. Although incredibly uncomfortable for someone of my personality to stand in front of the church, I was at ease. To see Parker going through the process and having our dear friends sponsor us, it was quite a moving experience. Nick was unable to attend; he tried his hardest to get there but sometimes Aspberger's wins. His name was still read in front of the church and I had to hold back tears; my heart ached for him. Although I wish I would have had the courage to make this decision earlier(somewhere in the back of my head I always knew), I am also thankful for the paths of faith exploration I took to get here. So many incredible people were brought into my life and helped me grow with their patience. I had a lot of questions ;-).

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 17

Today I am thankful for an evening at the parade with favorite people. I love that it just works, that no matter the span in ages of our children they play and take care of each other. I love them all.

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 16

Today I am thankful for the spirit that fills us this time of year. When more often than not you find yourself thinking about all the blessings in your life. It is also a time I tend to reflect and take stock of how I'm living my life. Am I making choices consistent with my values? Am I doing my part to bless the lives of others? How can I develop my little men into amazing, well rounded gentleman? What can I do to let Bob know how appreciated and loved he is? Yep, the spirit always gets me a ponderin' this time of year.

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Day 15

Today I am thankful for finding friends that are as Twilight crazy as me <3

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14

Today I am thankful for the visit from one of my most favorite people in the whole world. She is my reality check, my friend that makes me want to work harder at being the best me I can be, the friend I can be completely honest with and there is no judgement. Thank you Renee <3

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13

Today I am thankful my husband's work schedule allowed for him to be home on a Tuesday night. We went to dinner with the boys, they all got haircuts and we did some shoe and clothes shopping for the boys. A typical night by all accounts but considering Bob's schedule, it was a small miracle for us! Felt good to be typical, not to mention the help with the boys, homework, the dogs, the nightly routine/ thankful <3

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Day 12(late)

I am thankful I made his list

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 11

Ran today for the first time in two weeks thanks to pneumonia. 5.5 miles on Ship rails to trails, it felt fantastic to be back out in the morning air and in the company of some lovely friends. Followed that up with a 3 hour hike with a friend's family literally up the side of a mountain! Up was tough but down- well, we could have made Tosh.O if someone was videoing! But now I am bone tired. I love ending the day feeling that way. So tonight I am thankful for my favorite gray cozy blanket and two pooches to curl up with whilst waiting for Homeland.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10

Today I am thankful for snuggle time and movie night with my boys. Even if I had to take two separate photos because they refuse to be photographed together 😬

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Day 9

A little late...Yesterday I was thankful for the chance to spend the evening with old friends, new friends and everything in between. Dueling pianos- who knew it could be so much fun.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8

Ahhhh, today I am thankful for the cup of hot decaffeinated, sugar free Suisse Mocha in the coolest mug from one awesome friend <3

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7

Today I am thankful for a bracelet given to me by a friend. It was a shining reminder that I desperately needed today. In the aftermath of the election in which my candidate did not win, I found it difficult to not want to demand answers from my friends voting opposite me. I wanted to ask them to explain their convictions so I could perhaps make some sense out of it. Because I can not wrap my brain around it. But instead, I chose to love.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6

Today I am thankful for my biggest little man. Today is his 11th Birthday and I can not believe so many years have flown by. He is such an amazing wise beyond his years kid with the most gentle and pure heart. ( except toward his brother :-) ) I am honored that God chose me to to have the privilege of raising this beautiful soul. May he always walk in sunshine <3 and may his wishes come true.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5

Today I am thankful for Taylor. Our family is very blessed to have the opportunity to share our life with her. Although she drives me absolutely crazy some days and I am very hard on her, I couldn't imagine her not being with us. I cherish her quick wit, pure heart and willingness to help.

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4

Today I am thankful for my amazing husband. He works his tail off to take care of us. He is one of the most hands on Dad's I know. He is strong, confident and brave. Just the right amount of fun even if I tease him for being too serious; I wouldn't want him to be any different. And most important, he gets me <3

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3

Today I am thankful for the kind of friend that cooks you your own baby lasagna for her dinner party because you don't eat meat or chunks <3 "what? You don't eat no meat?!?! That's ok, I'll serve you lamb".

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2

Today I am thankful for friends that make you feel like a supermodel rockstar and don't co-miserate <3

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 1 of thankfulness

I am going to try REALLY hard to post something I or my family is thankful for every day this month.

Today I am thankful for acts of kindness. A meal delivered unexpectedly from of friend who knows I am sick. A big smile from a different friend I saw at pick up that lifted my spirits. Hilarious emails from some of the funniest ladies around. The texts of concern I received checking on me, offering help. The welcome myself and the boys get every Thursday at RCIA. I truly had a day filled with kindness and am grateful.

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