Oh Universe, you are HYSTERICAL!!! Here's a short re-cap of my last 24 hrs...
1. ran to Target last night for needed school supply and let Houdini dog out of kennel since he opens it anyway. came home to find 2 burners on my stove on because he apparently could smell the ridiculously small dried up amount of chili and thought he would heat himself up a little snack.
2. woke at 3am to SCREAMS on my deck. Sherman the naughty cat must have escaped one of the millions of times Houdini dog opened kitchen door to let himself in and was being beaten alive by some evil cat.
3. watched riveting t.v. on TV Land, finally fell back asleep somewhere in the 5-6am time frame, slept through my 6:45am alarm and woke in a panic at 7:15.
4. in kindest tone I could muster SCREAMED at boys to PLEASE(that makes the screaming o.k.) get dressed and come down for breakfast-which just to add to my Mom guilt tank they did without one complaint. Damn good kids.
5. Rush said darling angels through breakfast, vitamins, teeth brushing, lunch packing and we are in the car by 7:55. I should have known where my day was headed not only by how cooperative they were being but by how unusually calm Houdini dog was for the ride.
6. We hit some slow traffic, couldn't get upset since we've gone almost an entire month of easy travel. Arrived at school 8:27 and guess what...TWO HOUR DELAY!!! Yep, you know that day they gave you a slip of paper about the first week of school right when all hell was breaking loose in my house...so what to do. Long drive home or stick around. I've got dog with no collar on and no leash in car thanks to someone that removed it and didn't put it back(won't mention names). I have on a lovely outfit of 2 feet too long bell bottom yoga pants, tye dyed peace sign t-shirt and some fabulous I've been sick so kiss it greasy hair...decided the only option was of course to go to Wal-Mart.
7. Wal-mart. park, roll down windows for dog, lock car and start in. 10 steps later howling from dog but keep walking. hear one of those "oh my" from a stranger and just know it's about my dog so I turn. Cooper is half in car and half hanging out of car. Perfectly coiffed hair mom with child in full no germ is going to get from this cart to my child is glaring at me. I hold my head a tad higher than it should be held, avoid the urge to say something to judgy pants and march back to my car with two boys that are still being waaaaaay to nice.
8. release dog, make windows higher so he can't squeeze through and give dog a lecture about how sorry I am, that I know it's no fun but it's really out of my control at this point. I feel a little hand on my shoulder and Nick says," Mommy, you do realize you are talking to a dog"...I finally just laugh and thank both boys for not once complaining and they each said it was no big deal, we make mistakes and we think it's kind of funny. Huh, guess maybe I have taught them a thing or two. Now where's my Ritalin???
Love it! Thanks for the laugh:)