Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One journey ends and another begins

We have been on a very long 5 year journey. The past 5 days of this journey have been almost unbearable. But we made it through and now we begin a new journey. A journey of letting go, of forgiving ourselves for not always making the best parenting decisions and most importantly a journey of healing. We finally got ourselves in front of a doctor and team that understood Nick immediately. Yes we knew he had Tourette syndrome but there was always something else. Doctor to doctor, therapist to therapist we went. Year after year. All the right "assumptions" were being thrown around but no one would commit because of this or that. Mainly they thought he was simply "too bright". Well turns out you can be extremely gifted and have Asperger's syndrome and Tourette syndrome. Who knew? I did. But don't us Mom's always know. Of course I didn't want to believe it and for years have given every excuse I could think of why it couldn't be so. I think in time I'll forgive myself. I know if I would have "jumped" on previous suggestions of Asperger's I could have gotten help for Nick sooner. I'm just trying to believe it took as long as it did because we were supposed to get in front of one of the leading experts in the field. So that's where we are and we couldn't have made it this far with out all the love and support of family and friends. Some friends I have lost but I'm still grateful for the time they were there to offer a shoulder to cry on or a supportive hand. For those friends/family that have stuck by us through the good and the bad I have no proper words. Thank you does not seem enough. Especially those of you that came to the rescue these past few days. We are so blessed to have such fabulous and selfless people in our lives. We love you all!

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