Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And they're off

So we were really cranking through the school work today. It doesn't matter the reason( my husband bribed my child behind my back). I told him no need to bribe in secret- I'm all about anything to make it easier. I know I should call it an incentive but I find that's really just a fancy word for bribe in our house. Anyway, as a reward for my stellar teaching day I made plans with my favorite cozy blanket. I don't know the last time I napped but since my brain has decided it's a blast waking me every night around 3:16/3:23am, I'm exhausted. So you can imagine my excitement when it was suggested I take Nick to Norlo for a run. My husband who is working from home ALL week took a quick 5 miler over his lunch break. He said it was a little chilly to start but felt good once you got going...I tried to literally burn a hole into his skin with my super powered dirty look. It didn't work, so Nick and I got suited up. It wasn't decent, it wasn't even a little decent...it was cold AND windy! Nick couldn't feel his quads after the 2nd mile so we called it a day! The really irritating part...it really was way better than taking a nap!!!


  1. I love this picture! If you are up for any other runs this week...give me a call:-))

  2. Great photo! Can't remember the last time I ran...
