Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wanna play

My little laid back puppy dog was only laid back because he was ill. After a day of IV therapy at the Vet and a solid night of sleeping he was very much ready to play today! Play meaning: chew on the cabinents, dig for grubs, chew through the strap on my bag, push the mulch aside and rip the lining up...I wouldn't have it any other way! ( ask me that in a week)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Catch up

Spring soccer season is in full swing however mother nature has not been cooperative. Almost every practice has been in the rain and the only game Nick's played was in pouring down rain. Parker's was canceled. Nick is number 9(blue jersey). I tried to snap some photos while holding the umbrella and cursing, I mean smiling...

this is also the weekend Bob's parents were in town. They brought their fifth wheel with them so the boys could camp. It wasn't exactly an ideal camping weekend but there was one good day and they made the most of it.

Now when I say made the most of it, I really mean, they tried as hard as they could to make me crack. I must confess I am a tad over protective of my little pumpkins. I have a friend who often says, "safety is not an option". I tend to agree with her. I'm big on helmets, wrist guards. My husband is the opposite and so is his family. Now the irony here is that a Facebook friend days before posted about her husband allowing her son to mow the grass and she felt it was too soon, too dangerous...I totally agreed with her. As I read through the comments, I quickly noticed most others did not. There was one comment in particular that struck me. It was something along the lines that Dad's make our little boys into men. It struck a nerve with me. I worry about the boys getting enough "man" time as they are with me so much more because of Bob's crazy work  schedule. So I kept repeating that post over and over in my head. It became my mantra for the day. I still can't believe I made it through it without snapping. O.k., I may of snapped and declared it was enough but at least I let it happen, and more than just once. If you think I'm looking for're right.

To keep my little lumberjack's minds off of chopping more wood I suggested some hiking. We were amazed to find a bridge from one of our favorite spots washed away from all the insane rain.

Hippity, Hoppity...

We had a fantabulous Easter! The sun actually made an appearance and the showers held off until late!

We started off our day with Parker waking at the crack of dawn to see if Peter Cottontail made an appearance. I wish I could have had a camera ready to capture his face...the best part is that he was so excited because he got a new book! Peter Cottontail always brings a new book with candy and I was a little worried Parker in particular would be unhappy as this is the first year he really cared about getting a basket. As is so often the case, I was more than pleasantly surprised.

here's the goods for all three of my children...

After the baskets were thoroughly inspected we got ready and headed up to my Mom and Dennis' for the day. The boys loved playing with their cousins, Cooper enjoyed being spoiled by everyone and I loved watching my ridiculously adorable twin nieces.

Ahh, relaxing...

In preparation for our new puppy we decided to take a quick little family trip to Rocky Gap Resort. Yes, I know this is out of order but as usual I am behind.

We didn't tell the boys we were going away. In fact we stretched it out as long as we could. We pretended we overslept and ran around like maniacs getting Parker ready for school. We "forgot" to feed him breakfast forcing us to drive quickly to Dunkin Donuts so he wasn't starving. Then Bob pretended he was thinking about needing to get something from Sam's Club and "accidentally" got onto 81. Oh the boys were completely freaking out. Nick, our little rule follower, was thinking we were going to get in serious trouble for Not getting Parker to school on time. Parker was loving it. He was all for it as long as it got him out of kid writing. Finally when one too many exits had been "missed" for a turn around we told them. It was wide eye admiration. For just an instant, we were THE COOLEST parents around.

When they saw the resort from the highway it was all, "this is going to be totally awesome!" Turns out it was awesome. We rented bikes, hiked, went to the aviary, enjoyed the indoor pool. I would like to say it was all delightful but in between all of these activities were many tears, and full blown temper tantrums! Bob and I looked at each other several times and thought-SERIOUSLY! I must say there are times when I wish we were like that old commercial where people had pop up bubbles above their heads. I know I shouldn't care. It's just sometimes I want to shout, "he's really a super sweet and sensitive boy. he doesn't want to be this difficult. he doesn't want to have tourettes and ocd and pdd and all the quirks that go with it. please don't judge him." It's just that protective Mama Bear and I don't think there's a darn thing I can do about it.

But all in all it was a fantastic trip, the boys can't stop talking about going time though, I'll be sure to book a relaxing spa treatment...

Friday, April 22, 2011


Meet Cooper Winston King! He's 10 weeks old. Part Lab and part Chesapeke Bay Retriever. He made the journey to us all the way from Tennessee!

Friday, April 15, 2011

I need TWO hands!

Today is Parker's birthday 6th birthday- or your "two hands birthday" as we call it. When the realization hit him that he needed TWO hands to show his age- well, you would have thought he just solved the world's oldest mystery!

Six years ago my little man made his way into the world one day short of being a FULL two weeks late. My doctors were just about to win the battle of me wanting all natural and them wanting to induce me when Parker decided he was ready to make his grand entrance. He is still my "right up to the wire" child. He waits to do just about everything until I'm just about ready to lose my patience ;0).

We started his day with an oh so healthy double-decker donut...
After shool we had his big present waiting in the driveway...the Razor Graffiti scooter. It combines two of his favorite things, a scooter and sidewalk chalk!

Next it was presents from Grandma and Pappy who are visiting from Pittsburgh and also from big brother Nick...

and finally, the PARTY!!!

they made monster masks...

they made monster t-shirts...
they had fun hanging out enjoying burgers, dogs, and mac 'n cheese...

they showed the Monster pinata who was boss...

ate the coolest Robot Cupcake Monster cake made by yours truly...

We had a wonderful time celebrating with our "two hands birthday" boy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day One

I'm calling today Day One for several reasons:

It's the first day Bob and I started to discuss finding a new dog. I know a lot of people may think it's too soon but it's what I need. I am pulling for a New Foundland and he's pulling for a Treeing Walker Coon hound. I also suggested a long haired hot dog dog, but he laughed at me. Stay tuned to see who wins...

It's the first day of getting goodies ready for a certain dudes 6th birthday party! We're going with a monster theme. Cool, funky monsters. Not scary. I'm hoping the weather cooperates and we can have it outside. Honestly, as long as it doesn't rain and is at least 50 degrees- we're having it outside.

It's the first bad day Nick has had in almost a month. And let me tell you he must have been saving up! I'm so hoping it's just an off day. A delayed stress reaction to PSSA's and insomnia perhaps. I just don't want it to be the medicine he just started is not working already. Did I mention I'm a wishful thinker?

And finally, it's the first day that I'm calling out the giant pink polka dotted elephant in the room. Why I always envision the elephant as being pink and polka dotted is beyond me. I'm not a pink kinda girl. Fuchsia perhaps. Anyway, the giant elephant giant backside! I went into winter needing to lose that last 10lbs. I came out of winter with that 10lbs plus an extra 15. Might as well be honest about it. No more trying to pretend it's all a bad dream. So here I am, taking ownership for my stress eating binges. I've been waiting for my friends to look at me like "the girls" did at Samantha in the first Sex in the city movie and ask me how could I not notice. I too just simply started to avoid mirrors. Only on an as needed basis. Oh well, what's done is done and it's about to become undone! Please feel free to offer up words of encouragement and please call me out if you catch me falling off the wagon. If only I could have had Kettle One instead of Oreos's. Too bad society frowns upon stay at home Moms drinking during day. I'm joking of course! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jumpin' the gun...

O.k. so we're not really thinking rationally yet here at the King house. We still keep thinking we see Beanie where he's not and I know by this third post about our sorrow you've gotten the point. Add to our grief the intoxicating giddiness of a super warm day and we as a family can not be trusted to make clear and responsible choices.

Nick and I had school out on the back deck. We even let the cats (Sherman and Blackberry) come out for recess. Blackberry lost her recess priviledge though because she kept slinking off the deck and through the fence straight into our neighbors pine trees hoping for a mid afternoon birdie snack. We played a little soccer then we decided to hit the lawn chairs, soak up some vitamin D and read our books. Nick is engrossed with this new series of books about kids role in wars. He's reading WWII stories now. They are all true so that makes him love the books even more. I just started reading "Skipping A Beat". As we were soaking in the rays and words, Bob appeared. He works from home on Mondays and has conference call after conference call. I have no idea how he can stand it. I think he has 5 and they each last an hour-ugh! Anyway, my poor husband is so torn up over Beanie and he was so happy to realize how fantastic it was outside that he declared it to be....TAKE OFF THE POOL COVER DAY! Now I must tell you that last year when we took it off and I saw what the water looked like-I didn't care how much stuff was dumped into that thing, I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to get in after seeing it. But to our surprise, the water was clear. Sure the bottom and sides are a mess but the water did not look suspiciously like pond scum! I asked if he thought we were rushing this whole thing but he simply stated, "seeing the water makes whatever weather is still to come so much more bearable". He is so right. I know Parker agrees!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flower Power

I love flowers. I would love to someday have a yard full of flower gardens. Today Spring decided to make an appearance so I decided it would be a great day to start the flower boxes. I know there is still temperature concerns so I only chose what I know is hardy and will add more in a month or so. Plus I needed to be outside. We all did. The more we're in the house the more we catch ourselves looking for Porter Bean or saying things like, "don't leave that on the counter! you know Beanie will get it!" Then the crying starts all over because reality sets in. I know time will make it better but WOW does it suck right now. A friend of mine sent me this poem:
The Rainbow Bridge
inspired by a Norse legend
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

And just when I thought my tears were done for the day...

Like I said though, we got outside today and stuck to the age old truth of keeping your hands busy is good for the soul. So we planted and pruned and brought up outside furniture-even went looking for some new furniture. We curled up with books outside and even ended the day with some salmon and burgers on the grill. Well my family did. I had some very scary looking but very good vegetarian bacon. I will have to take a picture next seriously is down right creepy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good bye my Friend

today we had to say good bye to our beloved Porter Linus Bean King. He has been our constant companion for the past 10 years. We picked him up on New Years Day 2001 just outside of Baltimore. We were so giddy. He was our first child. Life was never dull with him. For all the times I yelled and swore I could not deal with him eating the trash or opening the freezer and helping himself to a frozen snack one more time...I'd give anything to be able to yell one more time. He was my buddy and my heart is broken.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Art in the making

Thanks to facebook I was able to connect with an old friend. He happens to be an incredibly talented architect and gifted in the arts. We are so thankful he has been spending his Friday mornings with Nick. First they created pottery, today it was on to acrylics. I think Nick wanted to just use a tube of green paint instead of mixing his own but Ryan was patient and creative with him ;0)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dreaming of hot stuff

Tonight, if I ever get to sleep, I will be dreaming of my green box car driving thru DD's in the morning for a nice large cup of hot stuff. Insomnia is so much worse when it's not your own. I think I may start a tourettes awareness campaign. Everyone wants to talk about the crazy language but that's extremely rare. Insomnia- not so rare. The "hey Mommy's" started at 11. I tried to sleep through them but I can't. All I can do is be amazed at his indifference to it. He doesn't know to be annoyed. He's having a blast. The latest "hey Mommy"... "Hey Mommy I was building a fort in the guest bedroom closet and I found this light. Why does it say groovy on it?" I knew I should have just thrown the darn thing away. I guess after midnight is the best time to explain a lava lamp and groovy-

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Are you awake?

"Mommy, are you awake? Can you take a picture please?" Over the last week Nick has developed a new tic that is really distracting to him which means he's starting what I refer to as a very active tourettes cycle. This means no sleep and lots of lego action. I would like to say I cheerfully greeted him as he woke me from my comfy slumber. I didn't. I'm working on that. He told me so much about this ship that I soon let go of my agitation and eagerly listened- he even brought down the Lego encyclopedia in case I wanted to see what "inspired" him. I love that he used the word inspire. I told him so and he simply replied, "haven't you read what the tourette's bracelet says? It says inspire. I'm lucky because my head makes me be inspired." So before I turnef my light back out I wanted to share a little note about my guy and how he inspires me to keep on keepin' on

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

you learn all kinds of things about your family on a daily I discovered my husband or third child from another mother and my 9 yr old LOVE April Fools day. and what they love even more is when i am the fool. now i won't go through every cruel trick but i shall share a few of my favorites...

1. 8ish, mommy my belly is really not feeling well today. I'm sorry sweety but you have pottery this morning, do you think you can go? I'll try. so there i sat at pottery thinking how happy i was he was making it through and not complaining. he threw me a few sad looks but no major complaints. we get in the car and he's really working me over at this point. telling me i should drive straight home, oh he hoped we'd make it in time. i didn't know at this point which end he was worrying about. we rush in the door and into the bathroom he flies. now i should tell you he has a ''nervous" stomach and he started a new medicine that has upset stomach as a side effect so I've totally taken the bait at this point. a few minutes go by, I'm pacing, worrying about if he has the flu, is it the medicine and out he comes with crocodile tears and holding a very messy pair of undies in his hand. my heart is breaking and he's blubbering about trying to make it to the potty fast enough. I'm saying, "oh sweetie, no worries, not your fault, here just hand them to mommy, I'll throw them out (i know it's gross but it's a mom thing)." he puppy dog eyes hands them to me and ever so slyly smashes them into my hands. as i hear myself screaming i catch the faintest whiff of chocolate-that little darling smeared Hershey's syrup over his undies!

2. doorbell rings. package sitting on porch. has my husbands name on it and it feels like it weighs 8000 lbs. nick wants me to open it which is a normal reaction of his everytime anything is delivered to our house. he goes downstairs and asks bob who is working from home if we can open it. he comes back and tells me bob said to go ahead and open it because he ordered something for me. I, too stunned to think rationally (like he would have ordered me something) go grab a knife to open the box and find...a package filled with rocks.

3. parker and i got home from a little date and i find the dog not fed, kitchen a disaster and my two other children playing video games. i was let down which they both new i would be but i didn't say anything. as i've said before my hubs loves to push me to my breaking point. so they put on a big scene about having to stop playing video games and i should be happy they're spending time together. a trap that i walk right into. i proceed to say yes, but perhaps they could have been building something or using the punching bag or wrestling...cue the prank. they over zealously agreed and started to wrestle as i started to clean their mess in the kitchen. next thing i know nick is crying and yelling for me. i am fairly irritated by this point and say something along the lines of, this always happens, you want daddy to wrestle but he doesn't play fair because he's a giant child also, bob I've told you a thousand times that when nick says stop you need to stop...blah, blah, blah. then i hear nick say, "i told you i had to pee and you needed to stop tickling me!" now my fuse blows because I'm thinking of the meltdown nick's about to have and how I'll be the one dealing with it. out i go into the room where they are, nick is standing there looking humiliated with wet pants, bob is looking rather defiant and just as i open my mouth to say things which i would probably not be proud of they grin and you guessed it...April Fools

I told them they better be sleeping with one eye open...operation stealth revenge has begun...


I took Parker on a Mommy date after school today. We drove to his favorite movie theater in Gettysburg to see Hop. Before it started I looked over at him with his little feet just barely over the edge of the giant movie chair...I was hit with one of those moments when I could actually feel how fleeting my special Mommy time is...I snapped a quick picture to hold on to the moment for just a little longer. Then I turned my phone off, unlike the people two rows in front of me- like I said before- I can be a bit of a stickler