Monday, April 25, 2011

Ahh, relaxing...

In preparation for our new puppy we decided to take a quick little family trip to Rocky Gap Resort. Yes, I know this is out of order but as usual I am behind.

We didn't tell the boys we were going away. In fact we stretched it out as long as we could. We pretended we overslept and ran around like maniacs getting Parker ready for school. We "forgot" to feed him breakfast forcing us to drive quickly to Dunkin Donuts so he wasn't starving. Then Bob pretended he was thinking about needing to get something from Sam's Club and "accidentally" got onto 81. Oh the boys were completely freaking out. Nick, our little rule follower, was thinking we were going to get in serious trouble for Not getting Parker to school on time. Parker was loving it. He was all for it as long as it got him out of kid writing. Finally when one too many exits had been "missed" for a turn around we told them. It was wide eye admiration. For just an instant, we were THE COOLEST parents around.

When they saw the resort from the highway it was all, "this is going to be totally awesome!" Turns out it was awesome. We rented bikes, hiked, went to the aviary, enjoyed the indoor pool. I would like to say it was all delightful but in between all of these activities were many tears, and full blown temper tantrums! Bob and I looked at each other several times and thought-SERIOUSLY! I must say there are times when I wish we were like that old commercial where people had pop up bubbles above their heads. I know I shouldn't care. It's just sometimes I want to shout, "he's really a super sweet and sensitive boy. he doesn't want to be this difficult. he doesn't want to have tourettes and ocd and pdd and all the quirks that go with it. please don't judge him." It's just that protective Mama Bear and I don't think there's a darn thing I can do about it.

But all in all it was a fantastic trip, the boys can't stop talking about going time though, I'll be sure to book a relaxing spa treatment...

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