Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dreaming of hot stuff

Tonight, if I ever get to sleep, I will be dreaming of my green box car driving thru DD's in the morning for a nice large cup of hot stuff. Insomnia is so much worse when it's not your own. I think I may start a tourettes awareness campaign. Everyone wants to talk about the crazy language but that's extremely rare. Insomnia- not so rare. The "hey Mommy's" started at 11. I tried to sleep through them but I can't. All I can do is be amazed at his indifference to it. He doesn't know to be annoyed. He's having a blast. The latest "hey Mommy"... "Hey Mommy I was building a fort in the guest bedroom closet and I found this light. Why does it say groovy on it?" I knew I should have just thrown the darn thing away. I guess after midnight is the best time to explain a lava lamp and groovy-

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